Getting started

After Tevun is installed and configured in your server we can go ahead

Host operations

These operations are performed on the server. They allow you to configure the projects and repositories that will be used by the team.

Create a new project

tevun create <project> <template>

This command will add a new project in projects directory. Where <project> is the name of project and <template> can be php or html. We can add other templates too. The main idea is to have skeletons to most common structures used.

tevun create html

In this example Tevun will create project, initialize a git remote repository, configure post-receive, generate a docker-compose.yml and show the git remote URL in terminal.

Destroy a project

tevun destroy <project>

The command destroy will stop your docker-compose project and erase the project directory.

The command will not erase the docker volumes, but is important to be careful with this instruction.

Register users

Once the projects have been created we can make a local clone of them, but for that we need an user with access permission. To register users in Tevun use the command below:

tevun register <user>

This is a short hand to http basic auth and the file with permissions is in file /etc/nginx/.users of tevun container.

Using in a workstation

After having a project created on the server we can use git to publish it and even use the sample project as the basis for working on it.

Configure in a new project

Clone the host created in your Tevun server:

git clone https://<user>@<host>:<port>/<project>/repo <dir>

Fetch the setup branch, get setup branch from remote and merge setup branch to your local branch:

git fetch deploy +refs/heads/setup:refs/remotes/deploy/setup && \
git branch --track setup refs/remotes/deploy/setup && \
git merge --no-ff deploy/setup --allow-unrelated-histories

Configure in an existing project

If you already has a project can make something like the previous section. We can get the branch setup of project repository to get the files to configure our project to run in Tevun.

Add the remote to your local repository:

git remote add deploy https://<user>@<host>:<port>/<project>/repo

Fetch the setup branch, get setup branch from remote and merge setup branch to your local branch:

git fetch deploy +refs/heads/setup:refs/remotes/deploy/setup && \
git branch --track setup refs/remotes/deploy/setup && \
git merge --no-ff deploy/setup --allow-unrelated-histories

Git issues

If a host with https support is not being used, we can use a configuration for git to be more flexible with respect to the certificate

git config http.sslVerify false

Using a full qualified name with git

The Tevun configuration will not configure a dedicated virtual host for the tevun container, but it is quite easy to do so. Go to the Tevun installation folder and open the file docker-compose.yml. Set the tevun container to leave the environment property as the image below

version: '3.7'
#  ...
#  ...
#  ...

After update docker-compose.yml restart the project

docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d

Last updated